Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Don't Ask Me Anything Guy- Not Surprised Since He's a DOCTOR

About Me

I am passionate about social justice (BARF- the most meaningless over used sheeple word), everything Beatles, Dylan, Springsteen, Motown, my niece, dogs, classic and foreign film, centrist politics, soft kisses, creamy ice cream, bookstores, slow central park jogs, and dancing when no one is watching. While I was born in Brooklyn, and have lived in Atlanta, Israel, and Syracuse, I've lived most of the last 20 years on the upper west side of Manhattan. A physician with other degrees, I've worked mostly in non profit health administration, and I currently help administer a large NYC home health care program. My professional integrity is important to me. Women have told me that I'm introspective, very direct, giving, honest, evolved, kind, and definitely a gemini with a complex, dual nature. No worries, Jdates do seem to recognize me from my pictures. I can still run 10 miles in the park, and carry home 4 bags of groceries from Gristedes. I've dated many with children and it seems to agree with me.

I'm looking for…

You are adorable, accepting, nurturing, look like your pics, love simple pleasures, are well groomed, feminine, therapized and unconventional. ( Let's see, he wants a therapized but unconventional woman. Can you say SHMUCK?! Therapy is the most common thing in NYC.) You are not into extreme sports, loud bars, or always at the gym. You do not believe that a guy has to be a caveman, a bad boy, or a mind reader to be a good date. You can make the first move. You don't feel that you need to interview me online or ask me what i like to do for fun. You have read my entire profile and feel there will be a strong mutual chemical spark.