And if the moron comes upon this site he should know that the word LOGISTICS does not mean communication, as he kept using it for that definition all night.

Do men even know how to have a good time when they are out with women for the first time anymore? Seriously by the age of 36, are they that screwed up from some women already that they feel every woman is trying to empty their wallets that they rake a nice woman like me over the coals over paying a check for fries and a milk shake. Yes you heard that right?!? I got the shake down for a milk shake. Gee, thank you for your chivalry, asking me if I ever pay for a date.
This is what Steve Harvey talks about with "the guy who calls you the golddigger" or talks about "the golddigger" It's his way of making you feel bad so you don't ask for anything from him until he gets what he wants. Listen to the clip at the bottom of this blog.
NO, you douchebag! That's the man's job. Ever hear of Steve Harvey you loser!??
If you ask me I will tell you straight out I do not pay for dates. If you have the audacity to bring it out point blank, don't feign that I should be coquette about my answer. All night I was subjected to him telling me how wrong I was. It didn't matter what. Can you say inferiority complex? Hey dope here's a clue...don't be so negative and you won't get it back:
Yes, he was correct I HAVE STANDARDS. To him this was a deal breaker. All the power to me, so he said. Oh brother, is this man jacked up on some major love himself way too much drugs.
Yes, I will only be with a man who treats me with respect and knows how to have fun and show me a good time on a date. No, that doesn't mean he necessarily has to show me the money on a first date. But it does mean that he has to show me he knows the best hotdog, burger joint, etc etc...and has no issue with spending his hard earned money showing me how much he cares about me enjoying my time with him. If you can't handle that then SCREW OFF NO STANDARDS MAN!
I want a man who has a plan for me,... not to play with me! Yes yes Mr. Harvey.