Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It Really IS You Not Me - Part 2 {Deconstruction of an unhealthy mind}

If you weren't fully sure how you felt about the exchange from part 1, the response I received via txts should make it very clear that this man, sadly is emotionally a 10 year old trapped in a 36 year old body. 

Ladies, run don't walk!

These were the texts I received after S read the email letter I sent to him. Only two days before this he was telling me he had feelings for me. A very sad and off-balanced response...

In between these txts I responded with by saying I was his friend and would be here for him if he needed to talk to help understand things better. At times I wrote "stop it" or "cool off" and I wrote that I was sorry he was hurting but I only wished him love. I wrote "hugs hugs hugs to you."

" fuck u" over and over.

"In your writing you have clearly demonstrated that every interaction we have had has been unhealthy." 

"Thank you for pointing out all of my issues and all of my inadequacies. It is BEST to go our separate ways. FORGET my name, FORGET my number, FORGET I exist." 

"I am holding back from bring defensive or offensive. please stop contacting me." 

"you are provoking an extremely negative reaction in me. stop contacting me! Seriously! I have had enough of this. No hugs, no friends, I want nothing more to do" 
{I wrote I would not contact him further after this request but he kept txting me...mainly fuck you...texts. So finally I wrote back LOL OK come fuck me.}

"Will you force me to reduce myself to shit and just say mean and hurtful things to you?" "Holy crap. Buy a vowel and get a clue. You are coming across as a @#$;"::+. "

 "I'm not eating your shit and liking it."

I realize that some reading this post will find me insensitive to a medical diagnosis. But I can assure you this is the furthest from the truth.  I do believe however that a diagnosis is only the first step and that using it as an excuse to continue the unhealthy behavior perpetuates the "culture of woundology" - a term that Caroline Myss has coined.

For more information on ADHD please visit this site.