From the girl who's so pretty ...blah blah blah yet still being subjected to cowards and pussies.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Have You Dated a Psychopath?
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
His Selective Communication
Read the article here.
Men, stop your baby bullshit and grow a pair! Man up and answer your women and stop with the crazy making and women don't buy into it and let these men make you feel like you're nagging. As well women, next time confront them to their face. Never do it through a vm or txt. Make them communicate and if they can't let them know you will dump their sorry asses.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
It Really IS You Not Me - Part 2 {Deconstruction of an unhealthy mind}
Ladies, run don't walk!
These were the texts I received after S read the email letter I sent to him. Only two days before this he was telling me he had feelings for me. A very sad and off-balanced response...
In between these txts I responded with by saying I was his friend and would be here for him if he needed to talk to help understand things better. At times I wrote "stop it" or "cool off" and I wrote that I was sorry he was hurting but I only wished him love. I wrote "hugs hugs hugs to you."
" fuck u" over and over.
"In your writing you have clearly demonstrated that every interaction we have had has been unhealthy."
"Thank you for pointing out all of my issues and all of my inadequacies. It is BEST to go our separate ways. FORGET my name, FORGET my number, FORGET I exist."
"I am holding back from bring defensive or offensive. please stop contacting me."
"you are provoking an extremely negative reaction in me. stop contacting me! Seriously! I have had enough of this. No hugs, no friends, I want nothing more to do"
{I wrote I would not contact him further after this request but he kept txting me...mainly fuck you...texts. So finally I wrote back LOL OK come fuck me.}
"Will you force me to reduce myself to shit and just say mean and hurtful things to you?" "Holy crap. Buy a vowel and get a clue. You are coming across as a @#$;"::+. "
"I'm not eating your shit and liking it."
I realize that some reading this post will find me insensitive to a medical diagnosis. But I can assure you this is the furthest from the truth. I do believe however that a diagnosis is only the first step and that using it as an excuse to continue the unhealthy behavior perpetuates the "culture of woundology" - a term that Caroline Myss has coined.
For more information on ADHD please visit this site.
It Really IS You Not Me - Part 1 {Deconstruction of an unhealthy mind}
When we got together a few weeks ago, you started to reveal some information to me, it started to make some sense to me and I realized you are not a jerk, but a man with several issues due to your ADHD. I could not be angry with or at you anymore.
I write to you for a few reasons. The first, I truly care about you, but there are some things that you need to understand. The second, I do not feel like I am heard and this makes it almost impossible for me to have a serious conversation with you.
It is important to me that I express myself fully and that my friends understand me.
The people who are willing to risk losing you by telling you what you need to hear are the ones who care about you. If they are not willing to let you in and tell you these things, they only care for themselves.
S, you live in the conversation in your head. To me, it is like spending time with someone in an alternate universe; a place very foreign to me. The way you take in information is skewed from the way I am used to people taking in and sorting information. I understand it comes from your ADHD and medications, but I believe it leads to a disconnection with people. I think this makes you feel insecure and contemptuous towards people.
I’m going to go back to our very first date. I hope that you will realize a disconnect with me. We had a very lovely dinner together. At the end of the meal, we were asked if we wanted dessert. You answered no. In the dating realm, this is when the man takes the opportunity to let the woman know he had a good time. He would let her know that he would like to extend the date or have another one. You said nothing. I ordered a coffee, because I figured what the heck, I want one and I’m going to enjoy the rest of the time I’m out. Then I’ll say thank you and goodbye. Why? Because you did not give any indication that you wanted more. That’s fine and happens all the time in the dating world.
However, what you did was throw a curve ball and knock me off guard. As I’m walking to the subway entrance then and only then did you mention that you thought it would be nice if we went to XYZ. It’s hard to write in words my reaction because it was more of a sound and body language. But my answer was, “Sure, ok.” And we did. And we spent a lot of time together that night and you were so gentlemanly and walked me all over the city until we found a subway station that was running back to
The impression that left me with was, that you were a bit nervous possibly which maybe accounted for the delay in the dessert info but more so that you were going to go out of your way, for an extended period of time to show me a good time and ensure I got home properly. We spent hours walking around. So that left me with the impression that you liked spending time with me and would go out of your way for me. And that’s important in a mate.
We even made plans for a second date that night. But at no time let me know that although you wanted to take me out a second time, you wanted me to know that it would not be because you weren’t having a good time, that you would need to go home by a certain hour. And to my shock after returning from the bathroom after trying the attraction at the restaurant, you told me it was time to go.
You didn’t ask me if I was ready to leave. You decided for us both.
My reaction was reasonable. I was annoyed. I felt you were rude and abrupt and it was very confusing to say the least.
To illustrate another example for you, I am going to remind you what you said to me over a period of time and how you clearly didn’t have a realistic and mature understanding of your own words and actions that followed and then how you became angry and took it out on me.
On our very first phone call you asked me “What kind of underwear do you like?” Just that in and of itself is inappropriate, however you had been funny and we seemed to have good flow of conversation and I chose to take it as a joke.
On our fourth date, in my apt. (even after I explained to you ahead of time that it was not an invite for anything sexual) you were quite sexually aggressive with me. You blurted out that your dick was 5 inches but I should not worry because …and then you stuck your tongue out to touch your nose and said it was your insurance policy.
Fast forward to the day we were intimate. You had only recently let me in on some of your personal health issues. I was still trying to figure out the dance with you in regards to what you say and what you really mean.
I want you to think about why I would believe that you would be willing to perform a certain sex act on me. After all the ‘insurance policy’ would lead anyone to think, that was the implication. Now, I want you to think about why your answer to me “Not a chance in hell!” was so inappropriate as well as aggressive and downright nasty. You imply I am not worth anything to you.
Then you add insult to injury. You blame me for being confused and hurt by your insensitive actions. You were arrogant about it, implying that is was my fault for pushing before you were ready. You are a big boy and need to take responsibility for you actions. I did not force you. Your tone and words were like some kind of punishment for my misbehavior.
You take no responsibility for your own behavior, words and actions. Never. You always deflect. For as long as I’ve known you and it’s only gotten progressively worse, as you slowly have let out pertinent information I should have been told from the very beginning about you.
By 36 years old there are some social norms that should be well understood. However, you do not seem to posses the understanding of these things. When the woman you are dating says to you, the things I did on our phone call that morning and you reply, ”I’ll be over soon,” there is a basic social contract that has been made. It’s very clear.
Nevertheless, this is something you refuse to take responsibility for and then worse, you aggressively take out your anger, confusion and frustration on me
And you are baffled and arrogant that I could not see how wrong I was and how right you are.
And then I had to sit there and listen to you go on and on and on about how you were feeling and how you didn’t like my "gesture", and how you were confused and how you were…and how you were and how you were….and YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU……It’s just too much. It’s the all S all the time channel. Same bat station same bat time.
And then when I tried to tell you that it cannot be all about you, I had to listen to you get defensive and angry and tell me again another issue of yours….that you hate that…you hate hearing that.
Well S, that’s just too bad. No emotionally healthy woman is going to give up herself for all of your issues. And most certainly not me. Your expectations are wildly off.
Worse, you then had the gall to tell me I make you feel insecure. No S, you are insecure because you are insecure. You were insecure before you met me and it is your insecurities that are sabotaging every possible good thing we had together that we could have built on.
It is your insecurities that have led you to behave erratically and irrationally and over a period of time, which led to my REACTIONS (not actions) to you.
S, what you hear and what is said to you are very often two very different things. And you take out the disconnect on me. I cannot let you do that to me. I care for you very much. I truly do. But I cannot let you do that to me. It is abusive.
There are so many of these moments I experienced with you over the past few months. I am not going to list them all. The idea here is to show the thought process and disconnect. There is no other way to heal if you are unwilling to hear this and make changes in you. And that is up to you. I hope you will find the courage to do so because I believe you can do so. I also believe that saying “I’m 36 and by 36 I’m not sure I can…” is nothing more than an excuse to stay unhealthy.
But it is a choice. And if you choose it then you will have to choose it alone. I will not be there with you. And I do not believe any woman you date at this point in your life will be willing to either. It is one thing to do so when we are in our 20’s but by the time we are in our 30’s and more we want mature things that you seem unwilling or unable to provide.
You choose your path and behavior. You choose. It’s always a choice. Healing is hard excruciating work. It forces us to admit to things about ourselves that make us feel terrible about us. But then we can change them and no longer have to feel badly. That’s the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
I cannot listen to the sideways defensive reasoning and blaming that takes up 20 & 30 minutes, just to then finally get to the place where you calm down and tell me that “it’s just that you felt insecure and don’t have much experience & if I’d known you longer (here’s more blame for Me) I would have known this and not made you feel that way.
But you then take it a step further by telling me how I should speak and answer you.
Totally unacceptable.
These are very basic things that should be understood by the time we reach puberty let alone middle age. I cannot teach them to you. I cannot make you agree with this or accept what I am saying. But it is true nonetheless.
You seem to muddle up the idea of your partner asking a reasonable question, for example: why can’t you go to dinner with me? As the same as me pointing out to you that demanding not only that I answer you but that my answer to you should be correct as you see it to be correct, “What do you want me to do to you?” (regarding a sexual act) otherwise you somehow have the right to chastise me for the way I answered that or didn’t, is somehow the same. That you truly seem to not understand the clear differences and the vulnerability of a sexual question like that is frightening.
And when you do not get the answer you want, that you have deemed correct you tell me “you do not understand me” or “You are not listening.”
When the truth is that I do not agree and never will agree with you. Because your internal dialogue is very unhealthy. And what you ask of me is to not have any needs, desires, independent thoughts and feelings and never react in a way that you have deemed incorrect.
It’s just crazy S and I cannot do it.
I do not have the luxury of time. I’m 40 years old. I spent years suffering from a pain condition which ruined sexual relations and made it impossible to date. And your questioning me regarding my past sexual life was improper and one-way and leading and accusatory. I will not feel badly for nor apologize for the intimacy I had with any man from my past. I will not allow you to make me feel dirty for it. I spent years in pain, alone and I worked hard to heal from that condition. I will not apologize for giving myself permission to have relationships with men where we shared sexual intimacy and I derived pleasure. Life is too damn short! I will not allow you to label me dirty for it.
There are proper ways to communicate about sexual past partners. None of which you used. What you did was accusatory and passive aggressive and basically said you think I’m dirty and don’t trust me. And you cannot see the difference in what you did and what is the right way to have that conversation.
I’m 40 years old and I pray to be in a loving and committed relationship and have a baby. I do not have years to wait for anyone to catch up. I will not give up a husband and a child for anyone.
There is nothing more I would have loved than to have it had been with you. But you are not ready. And I cannot control you nor will I ever try to. I am not angry with you. I do not even feel you are a bad person. I think you are such a good hearted person who is tortured with the script in his head that is all consuming. And I wish I could have helped you find peace. And my hope in giving this letter to you is that if not now, someday it helps you begin that journey so that you can have peace within you and love yourself as I wanted so much to love you.
I will always be here for you any time you want to talk or need to talk. You are my friend. And I care about you and your well-being. I know that I have written some very hard things to read/hear. But it in no way means I think you are a terrible person or that I do not deeply care about you and for you. I wish I could hug you and show you how much I care for you and comfort you. I know this letter is rough.
No one ever said healing was easy. Those who think it is are fools. I believe you are strong enough to get out of the boat and row to shore. I want you to be happy. I only want happiness for you.
I am in no way slamming the door on you. Please know that. I hope you will stay in touch with me and be willing to make the hard but necessary changes in your thoughts which translate into new action outcomes. If you choose not to I will miss you, but I will accept it. I think that you deserve to hear these things and hopefully one day realize the gift it is to hear them and use it to heal yourself.
Monday, November 21, 2011
You've Got Mail! Update on The Prick From Previous Post
I found this to be the case yet again. I found the following in a dating site's email box. What this Prick doesn't know is I saw him with his date. I don't think she'd be too happy to learn that while he was with her he was thinking of me and worse actually wrote me. I guess he forgot about our earlier exchange where I called him an asshole. Or worse liked being called one.
But you know what? I think I'm on to something. I guess better late than never. If only I behaved like a bitch to the Shmooo because apparently being bitchy gets men to want you immediately.
| ||||||||||||||
Hey! Saw you at trivia night last night at [*&^^]! So did you win anything? How are things? E |
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Truth Vs. Lie
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
A Beautiful Mess
You've got the best of both worlds
You're the kind of girl who can take down a man,
And lift him back up again
You are strong but you're needy,
Humble but you're greedy
And based on your body language,
And shoddy cursive I've been reading
Your style is quite selective,
though your mind is rather reckless
Well I guess it just suggests
that this is just what happiness is
Hey, what a beautiful mess this is
It's like picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
Kind of turn themselves into knives
And don't mind my nerve you could call it fiction
But I like being submerged in your contradictions, dear
'Cause here we are, here we are
Although you were biased I love your advice
Your comebacks ‒ they're quick
And probably have to do with your insecurities
There's no shame in being crazy,
Depending on how you take these
Words that paraphrasing this relationship we're staging
And what a beautiful mess, yes it is
It's like picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
Kind of turn themselves into blades
And the kind and courteous is a life I've heard
But it's nice to say that we played in the dirt
'Cause here, here we are, here we are
Here we are [x7]
We're still here
What a beautiful mess this is
It's like taking a guess when the only answer is "Yes"
Through timeless words and priceless pictures
We'll fly like birds not of this earth
And tides ‒ they turn ‒ and hearts disfigure
But that's no concern when we're wounded together
And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts
But it's nice today. Oh, the wait was so worth it.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
10 Reasons Why the iPhone4 is Better Than Dating The Shmooo
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Beware Of The Mindfucker

Beware of the mindfucks - from Urban Dictionary
a concept or argument which is fraught with contradictions, and is used as a control tool.
verb: to confuse or reshape your thought the way the "mindfucker" wants you to think. making you question, doubt, or acquire a new set of ideas based off what the perpetrator has told you.
Deliberately producing misleading information to an innocent victim for the amusement or enjoyment of it and usually produced out of boredom or spite of that person or group.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
A More Intimate Post
Saturday, September 17, 2011
A Pirate and a Prick

Normally I just post the moronic bios single men have online. Today I'm going to tell you about my speed dating pathetic situation this past week.

More so, I was actually a little put off on your, "you buy I fly". I definitely have no problem taking us out but when someone tells me before we've even been on 1 date that she dosen't pay for dates, it came across as pretty selfish. I work for the City, I have an (almost) 3 year old and since this is 2011, I think if both parties work that the guy should not always be obligated to pay 100% of the time. I am more than generous but I actually just ended it with someone I met earlier this Summer who never even offered to buy me so much as a bottle of water at a ballgame. I think you see my point. "
I'm actually glad you canceled. I think you're an asshole. You don't like women, and you think we should be available at your whim. You made a lot of very immature comments that by your age should not be coming out of your mouth. You are so disrespectful. The comment about your ex wife was so rude and nasty. I feel badly for her. Any woman with self respect will run from you. If you think I or any woman should sit around being available in case your plans fall through you really have your head up your ass. BTW real men pay for dates and don't get offended by the "you buy I fly". So fuck off. |
Thursday, September 1, 2011
This Is What I'm Subjected To! Seriously Aren't There Any Normal Decent Mature Jewish Men In NYC?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Meet Fred Flintstone...who cannot spell btw
Hey FRED, GET A CLUE. EVERY WOMAN IS A PRINCESS AND DESERVES TO BE TREATED AS SUCH. Oh and try using a dictionary next time you write your ass backwards bio of outdated wants!
I'm looking for…
a serious woman only , that knows what she wants and where she is going with life ,and on date.chatting online is not serious to my opinion.serious person get a subscription(its better to spend 30 bucks on your future than on 2 drinks in a bar),and emailing to a potential match based on not waist your time email me if you consider yourself a princess or a jap or whatever-- i like homie women,that loves to cook,keeps a clean house, loves to please their men and wants to have a family life.i doesn't really matter if you a lawyer,rockets scientist, or a hair dresser, as long as you good to me !
Friday, August 19, 2011
The 44 Year Old Single Guy Who Will Be The 100 Year Old Single Guy
Are you KIDDING ME? "with no attitude"...this is the guy that treats women like children. Remember when your father said to you, "Don't give me any attitude!"
I'm looking for…
I am looking for a woman with a good heart, good family and no attitude. I would love to meet a woman who gauges someone's heart over their looks.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
ALL About Me
The name dropper...because you know looking like Crowe and sounding like Sarsgaard make for a good mate. And oh yes, he went to of the cheaters btw. OH OH and to top it off, even though he's 38 he will NOT meet a woman older than 33. Ageist piece of garbage!
It should say: ALL About Me
Women tell me I look like Russell Crowe, sound like Peter Sarsgaard and have the most genuine smile in New York - what do they know?! I’m a driven, family-oriented, Harvard educated man who’s done a bit in my time. I don’t believe in reincarnation, but if I did I’d like to think I was Ernest Hemingway in a previous life. Not that I’m an abusive, alcoholic writer, but from living with a hill tribe in Thailand to helping out the secret service, I like to taste all that life has. A good deal of my time is spent as a lawyer specializing in patent litigation where I represent some of the world's biggest high-tech companies. Challenging work, but I enjoy it. I still make sure to spend time with my family and go out with friends. All that and a good run in Central Park make me happy.
What a jerk-off. See what is coming next!
What I'm Looking For
I'm looking for "a girl with extensions in her hair, bamboo earrings, at least two pair, A fendi bag and a bad attitude, Thats all I need to get me in a good mood , She can walk with a switch and talk with street slang , I love it when a woman aint scared to do her thing"... If I can't find that then I'm willing to settle for a genuine, playful and intelligent professional woman.
My perfect first date
I'm all for elaborate fun dates but think a first 'date' should be kept simple. Meet up for a drink or a cup of joe and take it from there. Chemistry, attraction and laughter are good indicators.
Monday, August 15, 2011
What a Bunch of Losers NYC Men Are!

I received an email alert from for what was supposed to be a group that is categorized as FUN Time NYC only to open it and find this pathetic bunch of losers.
This is a fun meet up support group for single men all over the world, who has been heart broken by manipulative women. we meet in the New York City area once a month. Come and join us for wine and beer nights around the New York City area to have our guys talk and listen to relationship experts!
If you are a single man who has been heart broken by a woman who looks like an angel and acts like a witch; you are in the right place! If you are married or in a relationship and picture your wife or girlfriend walking around with a broom and a hat; you are also in the right place!
Feel free to pop over and tell them what a bunch or whiny morons they are.